

Rain through my window by Laurie Vengoechea ©

"Give ear, O heavens, and let Me speak; and let the earth hear the words of My mouth. Let My teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, as the droplets on the fresh grass and as the showers on the herb. (Deuteronomy 32:1-2)

Waking up yesterday morning to the sounds of rap tap tap on my windowpane is always a pleasant sound for me, where the truth of the saying, it never rains in California.. it pours, was never closer to the truth as it was for me all day Friday. It was a constant drop of rain with a good dowsing of water! How refreshing it was!

The local hills dried out by the extreme temperatures of last summer definitely needed a good watering.. but for me it felt like an invitation from my Heavenly Father, asking me to sit in His presence and soak up all He would speak to me in His word. Not just a trickle or a seasonal splash of water that gets evaporated quickly by the heat of trials and fiery attacks, but torrents of living water that can only come by being drenched with bucketfuls of wisdom and truth spoken into my spirit by the God breathed words of our Lord and Savior. An overflow in abundance that produces refreshment, renewing and growth!

I love this kind of soaking, whether it come daily by delighting yourself in the Psalms and Proverbs, reading the law and the prophets, gospels of Christ and the epistles, or deep study by way of inductive bible teaching.. “daily is the key!” And then there is the run off, be prepared for the overflow.. the influence of your drenching that reaches to those around who will also be blessed and encouraged to seek the Word of God! It's a good thing! xo

May you be filled abundantly with living waters as you seek first God’s kingdom through the reading of His Word!

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Have We No Rights

This is an excerpt from a book titled, "Have We No Rights" by Mabel Williamson.

"No rights to a soft bed, and a well laid table. 
No right to a home of His own, a place where His own pleasure might be sought.
No right to choose pleasant, congenial companions, those who could understand Him and sympathize with Him.
No right to shrink away from filth and sin, to pull His garments closer around Him and turn aside to walk in cleaner paths.
No right to be understood and appreciated, no, not by those upon whom He poured out a double portion of His love.
No right even never to be forsaken by His Father, the One who meant more than all to Him.
His only right was silently to endure shame, spitting, blows; To take His place as a sinner at the dock; To bear my sins in anguish on the cross.
He had no rights.

And I?

A right to the "comforts" of life? No, but a right to the love of God for my pillow.
A right to physical safety? No, but a right to the security of being in His will.
A right to love and sympathy from those around me? No, but a right to the friendship of the One who understands me better than I do myself.
A right to be a leader among men? No, but the right to be led by the One to whom I have given my all, led as a little child, with its hand in the hand of its Father.
A right to a home and dear ones? No, not necessarily, but the right to dwell in the heart of God.
A right to myself? No, but oh, I have a right to Christ.

All that He takes I will give,
All that He gives I will take,
He is my only right!
He, the one right before which all other rights fade into nothingness.
I have full right to Him;
Oh may He have full right to me! "

I was 35 when I first read this book. It was impactful, and at the same time HARD TO READ. :)

How many of my rights do I have to give up to be a woman of God.
It turns out.. that I really have no rights.
At the age of 35, I set out to rid myself of the mind-set that, "I Have Rights".. and instead asked the LORD to give me a heart of surrender.. a heart to yield to His purging and sanctification in my life. A heart transformed in, and through Jesus Christ!

I've had to revisit this lately..
The purging and refining isn't over yet, not by a long shot! The fact is, my life our lives as women of God will never be our own and we have no right to the outcomes of God's providential plan for us.
I believe that Almighty God is sovereign and nothing gets by Him concerning our trials and tribulations without His allowing it.  So the "rights" belong to God! He has the right to mold us and shape us into whatever image He wishes and by any means He chooses. ( OUCH ) What I am learning to do, is to bend with His molding and shaping instead of fighting against it. The Heavenly Father's intent is that we become lovely vessels for His use and Glory.. His eternal Glory! I love this picture; refined silver, a polished gem, a perfect diamond.. a vessel so shiny and mirror like, that it is 'His image' seen in the reflection of our lives.

Praying also for you dear sisters, in case you too are being revisited by His refinement! :)

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A Review of the Book of Philemon

Paul writes this letter to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus, but as I read this story I can't help but be drawn to the man who has been set free through the acknowledgment, confession and repentence of his sin which in turn brings forth restoration unto his earthly as well as his heavenly master.

Onesimus in the flesh was a slave, a man in chains.. in bondage, but not just in the flesh.. in his spirit as well. I don’t know what kind of a master Philemon was but I can only imagine by Paul’s words of him that he was kind, good and fair. It was Onesimus who was stated as being useless to his masters household. (Philemon 1:11) 

Was he an outdoor slave tending the flock or working in the fields in the heat of the day, did he have to share duties with another slave that he might of been jealous of or felt inadequate too, or was he young with his head in the clouds, not paying attention to his chores nor having respect for the authority over him? Whatever the case Onesimus was an unprofitable slave who fled from his master’s house.

This is where the story begins to get my attention..
It’s not exactly known why, but Onesimus, a run away slave is in prison with Paul. (Paul say's he has begotten Onesimus in his bonds) Onesimus fled from his master’s home, probably empty handed, maybe with no food or drink to quench his hunger and thirst, so as to provide for himself he may have been caught stealing. Remember, he was useless, so looking for the easy way by stealing could have seemed like the only way for him at the time. So here he is, imprisoned. In chains. In bondage again.

[I can only imagine the scene... Tormented and in anguish as he sat there on the prison floor knowing this time there was no escape, no fleeing into the night quietly while no one was aware. No, this time he was locked up behind closed doors. Expecting to hear moaning’s and complaints from the other prisoners, Onesimus hears something else, praises to the God of Israel who has kept His promise by sending His only begotten Son. Jesus the Redeemer and propitiator of their sin, the one who heals the broken hearted and sets captives free. "Jesus, praise Jesus, glory Halleluia to the King of Kings"!
Freedom from bondage? What’s this he was hearing? Desirous to hear more I can vividly see Onesimus creeping closer to get a look at the prisoners who sang exaltations of peace and praise to God, maybe to hear the good news that was being proclaimed within the prison walls.
And there was Paul, a man very aged but yet still full of light and a countenance radiantly gleaming. How can this be, what is this joy he can I have it too?]

What a beautiful thought, Paul offering a fatherly embrace to this young man who has been tormented in his soul looking for freedom. How glorious it must have been to Onesimus as Paul shared his own testimony of freedom through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God’s Son the Savior. Savior of his soul.

Onesimus must have felt shame and embarrassment for his actions of being a selfish, good for nothing slave, fleeing his master and getting caught for a crime he committed. He must have shared everything hoping to receive absolution from Paul, only to be led to Jesus who not only forgives BUT PAY"S THE DEBT IN FULL. The words of unconditional love, forgiveness and freedom must have been the most beautiful words to Onesimus. Free at last!

This story of Onesimus doesn’t end here, it’s also a story of restoration. Paul takes this man, disciples him, and calls him 'his own son that he has begotten in chains'. (Philemon 1:10) We see the love between the two, but for me it is the changed life of Onesimus that proves the love of Christ in him, a slave who becomes free in spirit only to become a slave in the flesh to Paul, taking care of and ministering to Paul’s needs in his old age. Yes, Paul saw a man transformed by the renewing of his mind, a renewal that only the Spirit of the living God could give.

Can you imagine Philemon’s surprise to receive a letter from Paul about his runaway slave?
Paul declaring, "Onesimus has changed"! He was now useful to him in his chains and would be profitable again to Philemon too. Paul adjured Philemon to take Onesimus back, not that Pual was making a command, but as a fellow brother in Christ, a brother who loved this young man and who became his begotten son and fellow servant to the purposes of Christ. And Onesimus, a young man whom Paul would miss tremendously, but out of honoring Philemon and wanting Philemon also to experience the joy of a restored life, was sending Onesimus back and paying any debt to Philemon that Onesimus might have incurred to him.

This is a beautiful story of repentance, yielding and restoration unto the true Master through the working of the Holy Spirit. It is a story of a man who not just confesses Jesus for the sake of freedom, but denies himself, takes up the cross and follows Jesus' example through the fellowship of Christ's sufferings. This is about a man who gives his life to those in authority over him that he may serve them, glean from them, be restored to them and become one with them in the brotherhood of Christ Jesus.

I hope you prayerfully study and enjoy this book!
You will find the story of Philemon within the pages of the New Testament before the book of Hebrews. It is only one page long but has a lifetime of exploration and application!

The Lord bless you tremendously as you seek His face and allow Him to transform you by the renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus.
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A Heavenly Wardrobe

It was May, 1987. I remember how crisp the air was with whips of white clouds moving across the sky. The gentle breeze moving the branches of the olive tree in the front yard and shoots of new growth on the fruit tree’s in the back. The songs of the birds who had just begun to invade our yard again after a long hiatus in the South could be heard inside the house as we sat at the breakfast table.

For my mom and I, there were thoughts of last minute wedding preparations to complete, gifts for the bridal party, table favors, arrival time for the photographer, last fittings, rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. During the last minute details of the wedding preparations, I wasn’t really thinking of the “trousseau” but my mom was. She had planned all along to set a special day apart for just her and I to go shopping in the fashionable clothing district of Los Angeles. This was indeed special because we were considered country bumpkins living as inlanders of Southern California, where avocado, orange and eucalyptus trees reigned in place of Sacs Fifth Avenues and Gucci store front windows. As intimidating as it was I felt safe in the confines of my mothers elegant way of dressing and her confidence with sales attendants. Dressing for her has always been an art form and she was accustomed to the finest, but for me, I was (and still am) most comfortable with Levi's, tennies and a tee shirt.

I recall my mom saying to me, “Laurie, it’s time you shed yourself of that old wardrobe and make room for something new.” Words to live by, words of wisdom. I continually hear in my heart of hearts, “Put off the old Laurie and put on the new.” 
My moms wisdom was nothing new, I don’t think her intent was spiritual, but the implications were eternally life changing. 

This everyday practical act of “taking off” is necessary to “put on”.  Ephesians 4 say’s;  If indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus, that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

It comes by way of the truth of God’s Word implanted in our minds.  Jesus the Word of God!! He is our righteousness and in Him we have new clothes made white and purified by His shed blood on Calvary.  Laying aside.. Putting off the old, was and is the most refreshing act I can do on a daily basis. Confession, repentance and turning to Him, saying to the Lord these old tattered clothes have to go! Jesus, sanctify and cleanse me with the washing of water by Your Word!

My earthly clothing style may never be refined.. But my daily prayer is to seek "His" heavenly wardrobe! 

In His love,

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How do You Respond

This humble sun flower grows along the roadsides here in Temecula. It has no fame or glory, and we barely have time to appreciate it as we speed by, but it faithfully stays where it has been planted, tossed by the wind and weather beaten by the elements.. it's seeds continue to spread and cause a multitude of sproutlings doing the work for whatever cause the sower intended.
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34)

In the context, Jesus is speaking about those who stood around at His crucifixion..

waiting, watching, mocking. These were ignorant men who truly did not know God!

We see them at Steven's death also. 

While Steven preached he received taunts, insults, persecutions, and the throwing of  stones which took his precious life. Even then, with Steven's last breath he looked up to heaven and prayed, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they were doing".

I have to admit, I have only a few times been persecuted for my faith, but the times I was, it was by those who ignorantly denied Jesus and were blinded to the truth. 

It was actually easy for me to forgive them!

But today I pose another situation, what is our response to offenses that come our way by those who are not ignorant of our Father in heaven. 

Hurts and pains that come our way by sister's and brothers in the Lord!  
It happens, maybe much more often than it should, maybe unintentionally.. and maybe not. 

My thoughts here aren't towards the offender, but towards those who are offended.

I recently read a book called, "Candle In The Dark". 

The main character, Caroline, is a gentle Southern Belle, raised in Virginia to a wealthy family with a mammy and a household of slaves. She is torn by the abuse her slaves received and is determined to help put an end to slavery. 
She is considered the heroine of the story, but I was drawn to the character Eli.
It was Eli's wisdom and love for the Lord, that guided and directed Caroline's heart. 
This strong stable slave who's love for his master Jesus, is lived out by his service and allegiance to his earthly masters while in the midst of seeing his loved ones separated and sold to other owners, children taken from their mothers' arms, and their wives thrown in to the arms of white men to be their concubines. 

Eli's unfailing love and loyalty never diminish and his work is always done in an attitude of worship and adoration for his Lord. 

The white slave owner's knew the word of God! 

These men preached the gospel, and at times they sat in service with their slaves at the back of the church "worshipping the same Lord". (hmmm)
The gospel they received was contorted because of selfishness and pride.. but then, don't we at times contort the truth to suit our own purposes? 

In the book of James it tells us why we fight and quarrel;

"What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members? You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel"... (James 4:1,2)  

The word lust here is defined as; Anything we covet, desire greatly, or long for. 

Like our own way!

How do we respond to offenses? 

Do we respond "loving our Master Jesus and the life HE lived?" 

I would like my responses to be gentle and forbearing, with humility and LOVE. 

I have been tested lately.. I F-A-I-L ! Truth be told.. my failure doesn't come by way of verbal  responses, my failure comes through bitterness. I keep records of wrongs. UGHHH.. :(
My inward responses are a REMEDY FOR MY OWN COMFORT! 

Love...Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8)

Love covers, Love veils, Love conceals, our own motives,

and is replaced with, "the motive of Christ !" 

Christ's motive was love

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Christ's reaction was sacrificial
"Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross". (Philippians 2:8)

Love is sacrificial

It gives no room for the "Me" factor, but looks to the cross of Jesus and say's, "not my will, but Your will be done." It say's, Master Jesus, make me a servant to others as I long to serve You, and help me to do it with an attitude of reverence, and humility, for my Master in Heaven! 

Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. (Matthew 16:24)

If we I see, like in the book of James, that fighting and quarreling comes from within;  

lust, self preservation and protection, I want I want I want..  then we I, will also see that the fires can be extinguished by the attitude of self denial...sacrificial love! 

To Love the life of JESUS!
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The Love of my Life

I have been lavished with love and attention from a Man who I can confidently say will never change in His affections towards me..

He is kind. ..and His kindness is what leads me continually to my knees in repentance. Understanding and knowing that He has words for me of compassion and He acts towards me with good intentions of drawing me into a closer relationship with Him. He has shown His kindness to me in many ways but the one way that will forever glue this relationship together was His act of self sacrafice.."Death on the cross." He did this for me, so that I wouldn't have to experience the anguish of eternal separation in hell apart from Him.
"Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?" (Romans 2:4)

He is gentle ..His prodding me on to do good works never comes with harshness or criticism. When He corrects me it is with a hand held ever so softly in guidance to lead me in the right path and encouraging me with the reminder that He's not done with me yet. He will continue the regenerative process until He takes me to His home in heaven.

He is humble..never speaking with vanities nor drawing attention to Himself apart from His Father.
He is not arrogant or boastful, no guile or insults come from His mouth. I have seen Him touch the leper and draw close to the harlot without a flinch of self protection.
"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. (Matthew 11:29)

He is a servant ...He has exhibited this by the removal of filth, not just from my feet, but by cleansing me body, soul and spirit. He carries my burdens. He is always there to hold me up when I think I am at my whits end. If I come close to stumbling He is there to catch me so I am not hurled to the ground.
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45)
"The steps of a man are established by the LORD, And He delights in his way.
When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, Because the LORD is the One who holds his hand." (Psalm 37:23-24)

He is near ..I never experience the kind of inward loneliness that I felt before I knew Him. I may at times feel isolated as if on a desert island, but when He whispers to me in the wind I feel His presence. He blows fragrant scents of rose and lavender my way and I know He is near. And He shows me His majestic Glory in the heavens above as I lay under the stars wrapped in a blanket of His warmth. He is so real I feel as if I can touch Him.

"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39)

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)

He sings love songs to me .. and in turn has taught me a new song..through His Word I have found the lyrics to praise and extol Him where in my inadequacies my words fail.
"He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear And will trust in the LORD." (Psalm 40:3)

He is full of truth ..I know what He says will always be true and reliable. He will never misguide me with His words, but His Word will lead me to the way everlasting.

"Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." (John 14:6)

"He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice. So this joy of mine has been made full. (John 3:29)

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